Jessica Maitri


Nutrition Therapy uses nutrition and lifestyle as therapy to address dysfunction and symptoms of dis-ease in the body. This is a bio-individual approach to wellness and vitality working through the various systems of the body: digestion, blood sugar, hormones and the endocrine system and toxins and the immune system, among others. 

Jessica has been courting health and wellness since her early twenties. She has a degree in Exercise Science and over 10 years experience teaching therapeutic, hot yoga. Nature is always her first home and when she's not with her family- cooking, exploring, playing games or watching movies, she's with the women in her life exploring sisterhood, embodiment and empowerment.

Some years after starting college to pursue an art degree, it became clear to Jessica that her values and interests were more aligned with the field of health. Since a nutrition degree didn't exist at KU at that time, she went with exercise science. Within a couple of years she found yoga, and that is where her health journey really began. You could say that in some ways, yoga saved her life. It was the beginning of her healing journey with her body, food, mind and spirit. She taught for about 10 years and integrated her exercise science education into her classes. There she found she really had a passion for sharing her knowledge and teaching others how the body works.

After giving birth to her beautiful daughter, Grace, some of her health challenges began to come to light. She never really recovered her sleep (until now!) and noticed how her hair was beginning to turn grey and thin. She had no idea what to do about it and honestly thought it was "normal".

As she moved into her 40's, her exhaustion of the hustle and grind really began to take a toll, especially after not sleeping well for over 10 years. She realized she had digestive issues that had actually started when she was a teenager. Her hair was continuing to thin, her weight was no longer in balance, her energy and stamina was gone, and she was an emotional wreck. This was definitely not normal and she was not having it!

It wasn't until she began working with a couple of different nutritionists that she was able to receive the knowledge of how to feed herself and take the steps to change her lifestyle to support her own healing journey. She needed someone to hold her hand and show her the way. She discovered that was who she wanted to be for others on a similar journey.

Although she is very much still on her own journey of recovering the vibrancy of her youth, she is excited to share her many years of experience with others who are ready to take their health into their own hands, arming them with tools and education that will be with them for the rest of their life.