Postpartum Services



Acupunture is a non-invasive treatment and enhances immunity, balances hormones, reduces stress, and supports physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Dr. Jill, our acupuncturist, will prescribe a plan of care to help support you in your journey through the postpartum period.


Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care checks the spine for misalignment and uses adjustments to free restrictions and help restore the nervous system which controls and coordinates all the systems of the body.


Mother & Child
Physical Therapy

Our Physical Therapist, Dr. Stephanie Novacek, provides physical therapy and other services for mothers and children to improve health through natural prevention. Services include various therapy treatments and nutritional classes.


Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release therapy with a focus on the pelvic floor can assist new mothers during the postpartum period.


Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition Counseling is used to create personalized nutrition and supplementation to help find your path to wellness by crating a lifestyle foundation that frees your body from the ailments that may limit your life. Melanie, our nutritionist, will help you create a nutrition plan to support you during the postpartum period and beyond.



Counseling approaches mental health from an inclusive perspective of body, mind, spirit, and environment, providing more choices for elleviating emotional distress and creating healthy lives. Counseling during the postpartum period can assist with depression and anxiety.


Postpartum Massage

Postpartum massage therapy provides nurturing touch to women in their 4th trimester by providing them with space for relaxing their body and nervous system. Added supports are provided to accommodate any sensitive areas they may be experiencing; ie breast tenderness from nursing, low back pain, incision/scar.