Rev. Tiffany Baker

Rev. Tiffany Baker

You can also follow her on FB or IG: revtiffanybaker

A spiritual advisor is someone who helps you connect to God/Love/The Divine Source and encourages you to live as someone who has inherent worth. A spiritual advisor listens without judgment, offers encouragement, and asks questions to help you reflect more deeply.

Spiritual advising might be for you if:

  • you are trying to make a decision

  • you are in transition

  • you want to parent less anxiously

  • you seek to live more authentically

  • you need guidance learning to trust yourself

  • you need reminders of your belovedness

  • you want to experience more joy

  • you want to learn to ask for what you need

  • you want help setting boundaries

  • you want to live shame-free

During our time together I will offer a safe space for you to be seen and heard. I will not behave as if I know what's best for you; my goal is to empower YOU to trust yourself and feel supported. I will give you tools to practice self-love and self-compassion so you can live a life free from shame.

Tiffany Baker is an ordained minister and the Executive Director of a non-profit called "Free to Thrive." She's a recovering people-pleaser and high achiever who seeks the freedom that comes from ditching perfectionism and shame. She's a survivor of postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety who feels passionate about supporting mothers and families.


Tiffany is a Cura Affiliate practitioner and sees clients in a private office off site. Please note the address for your session when scheduling with her.